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Identify Business Risk with the Affordable Online Risk Assessment Tool

Introducing The NEW Business Risk Assessment Tool For Business Owners And Their Professional Advisers

This Is The Most Practical and Cost Effective Business Risk Assessment Tool Available

If you treat risk management as a part-time job, you might soon find yourself looking for one – Quote from Deloitte Consulting

To quote Warren Buffet – “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it and if you understand this you will do things differently”.

Does the business have rules for dealing with conflicts of interest?
money-graphMaintaining an “interests register” is just one of the many staturory obligations now imposed on directors… READ MORE
Who authorises payments for wages and suppliers?
money-graphThe separation of accounting duties (or rather the absence of them) is one of the main causes of fraud… READ MORE
What pre-employment checking does the business do?
money-graphA business should carry out a comprehensive pre-employment check prior to making an offer of employment…READ MORE
What liability will directors have under the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act?
money-graphRecommendation 5 from The Royal Commission on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy stated… READ MORE
How do you know if the business IT system has been “hacked”?
money-graphThe greatest risk of at IT system being “hacked” arises from human failing… READ MORE
How do you know if fraud is going on inside the business?
money-graphUnless you know what the signs of fraud are it is highly likely that that you may not know… READ MORE
As a Principal contractor have you verified your Subbies under Health and Safety?
money-graphPrincipal Contractors are now liable for their sub-contractors, read here to find out how to do it seamlessly online… READ MORE
Does your business have sound procedures to protect you from Cyber-attacks?
money-graphThe greatest risk of at IT system being “hacked” arises from human failing. … READ MORE
Do you have a risk assessment set up for ‘Lone Workers’?
money-graphRisk assessments are now required by “Lone Workers” attending locations announced or unannounced, see our quick online offsite risk assessment … READ MORE


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Why use Omni Risk

The information provided from an Omni Risk assessment will enable you to provide targeted advice to your clients.



Accountants & Business Advisors


Insurance Brokers & Advisors




Business Owners & Directors

Health & Safety

Try it NOW

Take the FREE version of the Omni Risk assessment tool without any obligation. It’s not as comprehensive as the full version but the results may still surprise and alarm you.